How to choose a child care centre?
What to consider when choosing which Child Care Centre is right for your family
Choosing a child care centre is a big choice for any parent or carer. It is often an emotional time as you will be spending less quality time with your little one and you want to make sure they will be getting the best care possible. So, you take the plunge and searched ‘daycares in Miranda’ and lots of options pop up… but now you are thinking ‘how do I choose a childcare centre’? Good news, we have done the hard work for you put together a helpful list of considerations when selecting a centre.

Is the child care near me?
It is important the centre is conveniently located. Ideally this means near your home or place of work. Having a shorter commute to your child care will mean less time spent in peak hour traffic and school zones and more time to spend with your little ones before your part for the day. It also reduces the risk of the dreaded ‘falling asleep on the drive home’! If you are ready to make a choice, why not do a test run one morning and see how long it takes you to drive to the centre. Pro tip: make sure it’s not school holidays when you do your test!
Does the child care centre have off street parking?
So you have the short commute sorted, now let’s make sure drop off won’t be grid lock too. Off-street parking is highly beneficial from a safety point (in higher traffic areas) so you are not having to remove children out of cars eats on the road. Furthermore, this reduces the risk of children running out on the road while waiting for you to deal with bags or other siblings. It’s also great for rainy days! Miranda Pre-Kindergarten has a large, fenced off-street carpark.
What does the child care centre provide?
Child Care Centres range from all inclusive to minimal provisions, and each family will have a difference preference. Check which of the following your centre provides: Nappies, Wipes, Linen, Hats, Water bottles, Snacks, Meals and Extra-curricular activities. The more the centre provides, the easier it can be to get out of the door in the morning! If Meals are provided, you may like to check they can cater for dietary requirements if this is important to your family. Miranda Pre-Kindergarten has an all-inclusive offering and provides: Nappies, Wipes, Linen, Hats, Water bottles, Snacks, Meals and Extra-curricular activities.
Open Door policy
An Open Door Policy is where families are welcome into the centre at any time (i.e. not just drop off and pick up). An Open Door policy is a great indicator that a centre is proud of the way they operate and are an inclusive centre. This will be especially important if you have a young baby or sensitive child and you would both feel more comfortable spending some time with them at the centre to help them settle into the environment.
Extracurricular Activities and Provisions
Child Care centres and Pre-Schools often have a calendar of events that range from excursions, incursions and weekly activities. Examples may include cultural performances, Healthy Harold visits, trips into the local community. Centres who have a range of activities planned indicate they place value on providing a range of learning experiences for children. Centres typically will charge additional fees for the incursions and excursions. Such activities are covered by Miranda Pre-Kindergarten.
School Readiness Program
Child Care centres are a hugely important stepping stone for children as they head into Kindergarten. A quality Pre-school program, or school readiness program as they are often referred to as, is critical. A mix of both play-based learning and curriculum-based learning is vital. If you have particular goals or objectives, it is a great idea to discuss this with the Service Director or Pre-School Room Leader to ensure they will be able to meet the expectations you have for your child’s development. Miranda Pre-Kindergarten is proud of our School Readiness Program, for more information visit out Curriculum Page here.
Is it a big centre?
Child Care centres come in all shapes and sizes. Whilst there is the common perception that large centres or franchises are the go-to choice because of volume in which they exist, there has been a shift towards demand for smaller centres. Smaller centres offer a great community feel and more easily enable bonds to develop between children, educators and the families in the community. Smaller centres can be more difficult to get into because of the limited places, so make sure you pop your child’s name on a waitlist early if you intend on sending them to a certain centre. Miranda Pre-Kindergarten is a 39 place centre, which consist of 3 rooms (Nursery, Toddler and Pre-School).
Does the centre offer tours and what to look for on the tours?
Tours are a great way to meet the educators and see the physical environment before committing to enrolment. You will be able to see the indoor and outdoor learning spaces as well as ask any specific questions relating to your child and their development. You can typically book a tour via a website or calling the centre and can arrange a time for a private tour. Miranda Pre-Kindergarten offers private tours upon request, visit the book an inspection page to get started!
Are they an approved provider / CCS
Make sure to check if centre is an approved Child Care Subsidy Provider. You can simply ask them on your private tour. This is especially important if considering in-home care! Miranda Pre-Kindergarten is an approved Child Care Subsidy Provider.
We hope you have found this helpful to help your decide how to select the right child care or pre-school for your family, and we hope you will consider Miranda Pre-Kindergarten as an option to help your child reach their full potential.